Macro Economics comes to Big Sandy

Published on 08/29/24

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Apparently Macro Economics hasn’t reached the farm in Big Sandy yet. Senator Tester, in his best Marxist (Karl not Groucho) tone, recently blamed the runaway inflation of the failed Harris/Biden administration policies on greedy corporations gouging the public.

According to Harvard Business review, inflation happens when there is more demand than supply, supply shocks such as the price of oil, and the money supply in use.

It could be that demand is exceeding supply because people (outside the beltway) are doing so well they are increasing their spending, or more likely the supply chain has not recovered from the handling of the COVID crisis. This is the same amount of dollars chasing fewer goods.

It would be hard to argue that the price of oil hasn’t been a supply shock. According to, the average closing price of oil per barrel in 2020 was $39.68, and so far in 2024 $78.66, or for practical purposes doubled. Some uninformed argue the government doesn’t set the price of oil, but in fact they have great control on it. First, policies that hamper domestic production force reliance on foreign oil. Secondly, the Administration’s negotiating skills with OPEC members establishes production quotas and therefore price. “So, you want parts for those planes we sold you? Then let’s talk oil.” “You want how much in foreign aid? Well then let’s talk oil.”

Finally, the money supply. According to Trading Economics, in 2020 there was $2,041B currency in circulation. Today there is approximately $2,352B, or about 15% more. This growth is based on holding more secured assets in the Federal Reserve (which is neither Federal, nor a reserve). What are those assets? IOUs from the US Government. According to Investopedia, the National debt in 2020 was $27T. Today it is $35T, an increase of about 30% and growing.

Based on this Senator Tester, maybe we should be looking at your voting record rather than greedy corporate boardrooms. Since you returned to DC four years ago, what have you done to rebuild the supply chain and manufacturing infrastructure? What have you done to decrease oil prices through domestic production or negotiating with OPEC? What have you done to reduce the Federal debt, one of the leading causes of an increased money supply.

Perhaps it is time for you to return to the farm and feel the pinch of inflation like the rest of Montana.

Harris Job Interview

Published on 08/27/24

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Tim Sheehy Letter to Central Committees

Published on 08/20/24

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We received this heart felt letter from Tim Sheehy describing his heart for Montana, and more importantly Montanans. Please share this as often anbd as far reaching as you can. Do it like your children, or grandchildren’s future depends on it.

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2024 MT GOP Platform

Published on 07/31/24

If you have wanted to know what the MT GOP stands for you can find the platform here:

MT GOP Platform

Unravelling Who is the Last Best Place PAC

Published on 07/17/24

Remember that old crime solving adage, “follow the money”? By doing so, we can actually find out who is responsible for the ‘Shady Sheehy’ ads.

According to the Federal Election Commission, (FEC.Gov), The Last Best Place PAC has one contributor for the $12,530,000 they have received for negative campaign ads against Tim Sheehy. That group is “Majority Forward” out of Washington D.C.

So who are these out of staters that want to influence Montana politics so badly as to spend over $12,000,000? According to

“Majority Forward is associated with Senate Majority PAC, the super PAC aligned with Democratic leadership in the U.S. Senate and controlled by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). The two organizations often share personnel: Majority Forward founder Rebecca Lambe is a former Senate Majority PAC staffer, and J.B.Poersch simultaneously served as president of Senate Majority PAC and Majority Forward. 4 Susan McCue is a co-founder of Senate Majority PAC. 5

The two organizations have a cost-sharing agreement. The two organizations share office space and staff. In the second half of 2015, Majority Forward reimbursed Senate Majority PAC over $300,000 for staff, office space, and other expenses. “

So remember when they made a big deal about Mitch McConnell getting involved in Montana Politics? Just more smoke and mirrors…..

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The Real Tim Sheehy

Published on 07/17/24

Many Montanans are on the fence about political new comer Tim Sheehy. You can’t help but see the “Shady Sheehy” ads run by the Last Best Place Pac, (a Democrat run Political Action Committee now under investigation by the Federal Election Commission).

Listen to Tim’s speech to at the National Republican Convention to hear who he really is:

Tim Sheehy

RNC National Convention

Published on 07/17/24

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JCRCC members Debbie and Terry Churchill represent the great state of Montana at the RNC Convention in Milwaukee!

JCRCC Raffle – 2024

Published on 07/04/24

Don’t miss out on your chance to win this year’s raffle.

JCRCC Raffle

2024 Raffle

Published on 07/01/24

More information on how to get raffle tickets to come, but to prime the pump some photos of this year’s gun…..

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Congratulations Debbie, Montana National Committeewoman

Published on 06/30/24

A huge congratulations to our very own Debbie Churchill on being voted to be Montana’s National Committeewoman. Huge accomplishment and a true testament to her tireless efforts fighting for conservative values across Montana!

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